
13396 rows


Is a Neotoma lookup table for compilations involving Neotoma contacts, e.g. IPPD. This table stores contacts of both individuals and legal entities. To preserve table usability down the database pipeline, primary key values have NOT been altered and MUST BE always identical with those from the Neotoma original.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
CONTACTID int4 10 null
cabah_taxaID.NEOVALORID <--CONTACTID_from_neo_contacts_fkey R
neo_chronologies.CONTACTID <--CONTACTID_from_neo_contacts_fkey R
neo_contacts.ALIASID <--CONTACTID_from_neo_contacts_fkey R

Is original Neotoma contactid

ALIASID int4 10 null
neo_contacts.CONTACTID <--CONTACTID_from_neo_contacts_fkey R

The ContactID of a person’s current name. If the AliasID is different from the ContactID, the ContactID refers to the person’s former name

CONTACTNAM text 2147483647 null
CSTATUSID int2 5 null
global_contactstatusID.CSTATUSID <--CSTATUSID_from_global_contactstatusID_fkey R
FAMILYNAME text 2147483647 null
PHONE text 2147483647 null
FAX text 2147483647 null
EMAIL text 2147483647 null
URL text 2147483647 null
ADDRESS text 2147483647 null
LEADINITIA varchar 24 NULL::character varying
GIVENNAMES text 2147483647 null
TITLE varchar 24 NULL::character varying
SUFFIX varchar 24 NULL::character varying
NOTES text 2147483647 null
OAID varchar 19 NULL::character varying
global_Author.OAID <--OAID_from_global_Author_fkey R

Fkey. Links to public.“global_Author”

CREATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is record timestamp with timezone based on UTC

UPDATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is timestamp of record update with timezone based on UTC


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
neo_contacts_pkey Primary key Asc CONTACTID
