
31641 rows


Is a Neotoma table for compilations dealing with chronologies, e.g. IPPD. This table, according to Neotoma db (, stores chronology data. A Chronology refers to an explicit chronology assigned to a Collection Unit. A Chronology has Chronology Controls, the actual age-depth control points, which are stored in the ChronControls table. A Chronology is also based on an Age Model, which may be a numerical method that fits a curve to a set of age-depth control points or may simply be individually dated Analysis Units. IMPORTANT NOTE: The primary key values have been migrated unaltered from Neotoma. Therefore, database relations will only work (and be updatable from the Neotoma source) if these ID stays untouched.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
CHRONLGYID int4 10 null
ippd_baseline_pollen.CHRONLGYID Implied Constraint R
ippd_sampleages.CHRONLGYID <--CHRONLGYID_from_neo_chronologies_fkey R

Is the original Neotoma chronologyid

NEO_UNITID int4 10 null
global_UnitMaster.UNITID Implied Constraint R

Is the original Neotoma collectionunitid

AGETYPEID int4 10 null
cabah_agetypeID.AGETYPEID <--AGETYPEID_from_cabah_agetypeID_fkey R

Is an fkey to public.“cabah_agetype” table. IMPORTANT: values have been changed to match OCTOPUS db

CONTACTID int4 10 null
neo_contacts.CONTACTID <--CONTACTID_from_neo_contacts_fkey R

Is original Neotoma contactid

IS_DEFAULT bool 1 null

If TRUE, then chronology is the default chronology. Default status is determined by a Neotoma data steward. Collection Units may have more than one default Chronology, but may have only one default Chronology per Age Type. Thus, there may be a default radiocarbon year Chronology and a default calibrated radiocarbon year Chronology, but only one of each. Default Chronologies may be used by the Neotoma web site, or other web sites, for displaying default diagrams or time series of data. Default Chronologies may also be of considerable use for actual research purposes; however, users may of course choose to develop their own chronologies. Neotoma

CHRONNAME varchar 80 NULL::character varying

Is chronology name, if available

PREPDATE text 2147483647 null

Date that the Chronology was prepared.

AGEMODEL varchar 80 NULL::character varying

The age model used for the Chronology.

AGEYOUNG int4 10 null

The younger reliable age bound for the Chronology. Younger ages may be assigned to samples, but are not regarded as reliable. If the entire Chronology is considered reliable, AgeBoundYounger is assigned the youngest sample age rounded down to the nearest 10. Thus, for 72 BP, AgeBoundYounger = 70 BP; for -45 BP, AgeBoundYounger = -50 BP. (Neotoma)

AGEOLD int4 10 null

The older reliable age bound for the Chronology. Ages older than AgeOlderBound may be assigned to samples, but are not regarded as reliable. This situation is particularly true for ages extrapolated beyond the oldest Chron Control. . If the entire Chronology is considered reliable, AgeBoundOlder is assigned the oldest sample age rounded up to the nearest 10. Thus, for 12564 BP, AgeBoundOlder is 12570. (Neotoma)

CHRONNOTE text 2147483647 null

Chronology related note, if necessary

UNITID int4 10 null
global_UnitMaster.UNITID <--UNITID_from_global_UnitMaster_fkey R

Is fkey to public.“global_UnitMaster”

CREATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is record timestamp with timezone based on UTC

UPDATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is timestamp of record update with timezone based on UTC

TECH_NOTE text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
neo_chronologies_pkey Primary key Asc CHRONLGYID
