
983 rows


Is a Neotoma lookup lookup table of Variable Elements. This table is referenced by the ippd_variables table. (


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
VARELEMTID int4 10 null
ippd_variables.VARELEMTID <--VARELEMTID_from_ippd_variable_fkey R

Is the original Neotoma variableelementid

VARELEMENT text 2147483647 null

The element, part, or organ of the taxon identified. For plants, these include pollen, spores, and various macrofossil organs, such as «seed», «twig», «cone», and «cone bract». Thus, Betula pollen and Betula seeds are two different Variables. For mammals, Elements include the bone or tooth identified, e.g. «tibia». «tibia, distal, left», «M2, lower, left». Some more unusual elements are Neotoma fecal pellets and Erethizon dorsata quills. If no element is indicated for mammalian fauna, then the genric element «bone/tooth» is assigned. Elements were not assigned in FAUNMAP, so all Variables ingested from FAUNMAP were assigned the «bone/tooth» element. Physical Variables may also have elements. For example, the Loss-on-ignition Variables have «Loss-on-ignition» as a Taxon, and temperature of analysis as an element, e.g. «500°C», «900°C». Charcoal Variables have the size fragments as elements, e.g. «75-100 µm», «100-125 µm».

ELEMTYPEID int2 5 null
neo_elementtypes.ELEMTYPEID <--ELEMTYPEID_from_neo_elementtypes_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_elementtypes” table

SYMMETRYID int2 5 null
neo_elementsymmetries.SYMMETRYID <--SYMMETRYID_from_neo_elementsymmetries_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_elementsymmetires” table

PORTIONID int2 5 null
neo_elementportions.PORTIONID <--PORTIONID_from_neo_elementportions_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_elementportions” table

MATURITYID int2 5 null
neo_elementmaturities.MATURITYID <--MATURITYID_from_neo_elementmaturities_fkey R
CREATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is record timestamp with timezone based on UTC

UPDATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is timestamp of record update with timezone based on UTC


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
neo_variableelements_pkey Primary key Asc VARELEMTID
