
2734 rows


Is an IPPD-specific Neotoma table that lists Variables, which always consist of a Taxon and Units of measurement. Variables can also have Elements, Contexts, and Modifications. Thus, the same taxon with different measurement units (e.g. present/absent, NISP, MNI) are different Variables. (https://neotoma-manual.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tables_taxa.html#variables)


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
VARIABLEID int4 10 null
ippd_DataCore.VARIABLEID <--VARIABLEID_from_ippd_variables_fkey R

Is the original Neotoma variableid

TAXONID int4 10 null
cabah_taxaID.TAXONID <--TAXONID_from_cabah_taxaID_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“cabah_taxaID” table

VARELEMTID int4 10 null
neo_variableelements.VARELEMTID <--VARELEMTID_from_ippd_variable_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_variableelements” table

VARUNITID int2 5 null
neo_variableunits.VARUNITID <--VARUNITID_from_neo_variableunits_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_variableunits” table

VARCONTXID int2 5 null
neo_variablecontexts.VARCONTXID <--VARCONTXID_from_neo_variablecontexts_fkey R

Is an fkey to the public.“neo_variablecontext” table

CREATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is record timestamp with timezone based on UTC

UPDATED_AT timestamptz 35,6 timezone('UTC'::text, now())

Is timestamp of record update with timezone based on UTC


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
ippd_variables_pkey Primary key Asc VARIABLEID
